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Institute of Medical Genetics News, Events & Publications

Amyloidose – Past, Present and Visions for the Future

We look back on an eventful time: the introduction and approval of new drugs for different types of amyloidosis have changed the prognosis of our patients for the better over the last decade.

Thursday September 7th 2023
13.15 – 18.15 hrs.
Hörsaal PATH D 22, University Hospital Zurich

For 10 years we have been treating patients with amyloidosis within our network which consists of USZ, KSGR, EOC and KSSG.

We look back on an eventful time: the introduction and approval of new drugs for different types of amyloidosis have changed the prognosis of our patients for the better over the last decade. Networking with colleagues from other hospitals in Switzerland and internationally has led to a standardization
in the evaluation and treatment of ‹our› amyloidosis patients.
Collaborations have been established with the aim to better understand these rare diseases and to have even better treatment options available in the future.
We are very pleased to celebrate these last 10 years with you and distinguished guests at our anniversary symposium and look forward to an interactive and stimulating afternoon.

Kind regards

Dr. Rahel Schwotzer Prof. Dr. Andreas Flammer


Please register until August 31st 2023 via the below link:

10-Year Anniversary of the Amyloidosis Network Zurich – USZ


Weiterführende Informationen

Thursday, September 7th 2023
13.15 – 18.15 h
Hörsaal PATH D 22
University Hospital Zurich (USZ)